Friday, February 11, 2011

Follow Friday #4/Book Blog Hop #3

Happy Follow Friday!!  Yep, its that time again! Whoo Hoo!! Hope everyone is having a great Friday.  Follow Friday is brought to all of us by Parajunkee's View.  Visit her page for follow details!
Congrats Ruby's Read for being this Follow Friday's Feature!
Follow Friday Question:

What is your favorite romance hero-type? Stereotype wise. Do you like the strong silent type or the brute macho man?

Hmmm...Let's see, I am going with the strong, silent (intellectual) type!  I think the "brute macho man" would eventually get on my nerves and I would be severely aggitated with him!! lol  All that EGO has to go! lol You can show strength without all the need for attention.  Brute don't necessarily make you strong...
(mentally that is) moving along...

Book Blogger Hop

We are also participating in the Blog Hop!! Hop on over to Crazy For Books for details!!

Blog Hop Questions:
"Tell us about one of your posts from this week and give us a link so we can read it (review or otherwise)!"

Yesterday I responded to a mother whose 8 year old son isn't into reading ~> here.  I gave her a few suggestions, but maybe some of you have a few others that may help. Thanks!
We love comments, so leave 'em below!


  1. I wish I could get my nephew reading more. Good advice! Have a great weekend!

  2. The Post Is:

    This week I reviewed a work of suspense fiction that is such a wide departure from the thriller genre that I feel everyone – fans and foes of the genre alike – really should investigate.

    Hop on over to my blog and see for yourself –

    Howard A. Sherman, Implementor
    Get Inside a Story

  3. Encouraging children is a terrific legacy.

  4. Just stopping by to check out your hop and follow friday! Have a great weekend. :)

    Reading Lark's Follow Friday & Hop

  5. Just hopping by.....

  6. Hello! I cam e from the hop and I am a new follower! Happy Reading!^^

    Here’s my Follow Friday and Hop!:]

  7. Well, this was a good landing from the hop/follow...

    I'm a British author, being published for the first time in the US later this year, and hoping to get to know some of you. I have a new-ish writing, books, art, south of France blog if you'd like to hop over for a look.

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm a new follower of your awesome blog!

  9. Thanks for stopping by our blog, we are new followers of your blog now!

    I have to admit, your answer regarding the romance hero-type is very good.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Thanks for the follow and the comment, I said that i love the bad boy heroes but I totally dig the silent intellectuals too, so many good book boys :o)

  11. Thanks everyone for hopping by!! We will visit each of your pages shortly! :)

  12. New follower here via the Friday Hop. I'm a new contemporary romance writer and reader of almost everything! Hop you stop by and check out my blog.


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